India – US Technology Summit
India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, Delhi NCR, India. 18th – 19th November 2014
- N Deben , IT Director Government of Manipur
- RK Herojit KEN Representative
As an initiative from KEN general Secretary Mr Lakshmikanth proposed to GOM to send a representative from GOM and KEN to participate in the summit for us to interact with the IT companies in the summit to bring in the companies to Manipur.
The objective of visiting the summit was to get acquainted with the IT companies and to discuss the possibility of setting up their branches or business unit in Manipur.
The Summit:
The Summit was very well organised with company exhibiting their portfolio and products. There many college institute and Government institutions but less on companies. The focus was given on conferences organised on various topics and various discipline.
Conference Attended:
Big Data – start of Data Explosion
“Designing ‘secured’ IT Processes – Growing need for IT Security & Compliances”
Persons / Organisation Met:
- Ms Charu Mathur, Senior Director CII
- Ms Indrani Kar , Deputy Director(i/c NE), CII
- Ms Akangsha, ICT Head, CII
- Mr Ankit Gupta, Executive Officer – NRI Investment Policy and Promotion, CII
- Mr CN Raghupathi, Infosys Ltd, Vice President & Head India Business
- Mr Soumendra Mohanty, Mind Tree Ltd, Vice President
- Lemon, Design Firm
- Softage, Data Warehousing Firm
Discussion with CII Team
We had detailed discussion in a meeting room with CII senior team through the introduction of Mr Ankit, following are the points we have discussed.
Appropriate IT /ITES Policies to be framed before any
What the Government of Manipur is offering including Incentives, to be very clearly/specifically indicated earlier before any summit of investment met to be organised. This can be defined by speaking to industry captain and CII is offering assistance to help developing the same. In the same way how GOM is trying MP (Madhya Pradesh)
Government was trying to do but they failed the first due to lack of preparation.
As all States are also trying to woo investors, Manipur’s Unique Selling Point (USP) to be clearly indicated. Single Window Clearance for investors is a must.
Road Shows and Investors’ Meets does not necessarily bring investors but is required to change the perception of likely investors with respect to Manipur, apart from the incentive and advantages that can be provided a clear change of perspective is required. MP state was considered a place where there is nothing available, due to promotional activities with proper ingredient there has been a change of perspective of the MP state.
To find ways and means of positioning Manipur at an advantage with respect to Myanmar, Myanmar, with the opening up of its government is becoming a Hub of investment in SEA.
Plan of Action / Remark
To Constitute an Economic Advisory Board, chaired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Secretary (IT), Secretary (FD), Secretary (MAHUD), Commissioner (Taxes), CII Representative, IIMA Representative, OSD (IT), representatives of the Business Community in Manipur, KEN Members, and Director (MIMS).
This body will advise on necessary action for the government to help on building a vibrant economic model of the state.
To revise the existing IT Policy 2003 and include ITES.
Mr Ankit of CII has assured that he will help in comparing IT Policies of various states and help in drafting the revised Manipur IT & ITES Policy.
To complete drafting of the revised IT Policy and obtain approval of Law, FD and Cabinet by 15th January, 2015.
Mr Ankit will help in obtaining a checklist for implementing a Single Window Clearance for Investors. A meeting of the Economic Advisory Board may be called once the checklist is ready. Departments concerned in issuing necessary orders/clearances to Investors may also be invited so that each Department will be aware of what is expected.
CII is organizing an IT Summit at Guwahati on 3rd December, 2014 where CII proposes to bring prospective investors. Manipur State has been invited to be the Partner State. PS(IT), OSD (IT) and Senior Consultant, SeMT will be attending the Summit. If we can Send a KEN member will be good.
To invite CII to Imphal for a meeting with the Hon’ble Chief Minister preferably after the IT Summit on 3 rd December, 2014 at Guwahati. This can be done in conjunction with the visit of Mr Raman Roy, this needs to be discussed. CII has offered to get Government of Manipur to be connected with various companies in the country who will be willing to set up their offices in Manipur. As from the discussion we were told that Dr Ganesh Natarajan, Vice Chairman and CEO of Zensar Technologies Ltd is quite interested and looking for possibility of having their set up in Guwahati, Zensar employs about 7000 employee in India itself.
CII has offered to organize the Investor meet of investment summit for the Government of Manipur however the Government of Manipur is to first complete all ground work first – to anticipate all issues likely to be raised by prospective investors and to address the issues and how the same will be managed.
CII has suggested that Government of Manipur should participate in the Vibrant Gujarat so that we are aware of what activities goes in in organizing such events and also the anticipated outcomes.
We propose to engage a Design and Publicity Agency which will take care of all aspects in respect of promoting and marketing Manipur as an IT Destination starting from preparation of brochures, invitation cards for IT Summits, video clippings, website, visiting card, and event manage the proposed IT Summits and Roadshows in co-ordination with CII.
Report Prepared by N. Deben and R K Herojit
22nd Nov 2014
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